Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good outing today

all the pitchers threw one live inning today. My line was 2Ks, 0BBs, 0Rs, 1 infield hit. I threw pretty much all two seam fastballs, and threw 2 splitters. The splitter was still a mixed bag today (in warmups as well as on the mound), but my fastball was solid and I was really hitting spots.

We have quite a few guys here trying out, so it is going to be interesting to see who they cut, who they sign, and who ends up making the opening day roster. I feel better about my chances after throwing well today, but obviously its going to matter what areas the coaches feel we need most as a pitching staff, as well as where they see me possibly helping the team.

Going to play a poker session in a few minutes. If I have any interesting hands I'll try to remember them and post them on here.

thanks for reading.


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